How I do order?
- Go to
- Which product do you want and add to your cart.
- Go to cart.
- And first time you are hiring so do registration.
- Same day delivery are available for fast so .plz choose to As soon As possible. we are traying to give your order to fast.
- Product return to door step check proper all products any reason to return the product we are take it after delivered order No return No Pick up.
- Our working time is Morning 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
- Choose payment option CASH and door step payment cash or Gpay /PhonePe /paytem etc.
- Proceed to order.
Registration process?
Go to sign up and simple registered your account. Do an order and select your payment mode.
Account related.
What is my account?
My account means details of your and order details.
Payment mode?
We are giving the cash or online.
Online payment means?
You can select a multiple way of payment like Google pay, phone pay etc.
Cash delivery meaning?
Your order at your doorstep to give a payment of cash.
How I get my order?
Do all process of your order select As soon as possible (same day) or time slot and proceed to order. Receive a order to you select a slot. (Sometimes happens due to unforeseen situation)
Product packaged?
We are ensuring to hygiene and good packed of our product.
Delivery charges on chickmu ?
Minimum 199/- rupees order value to give free delivery or 30/-rupees delivery charges.
Order related?
Out of order.
. Only order to which are available in stock.
Customer services.
Customer service available throughout all seven days 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Customer care Number: — 8734908998
Refund :– 48 hours from the delivery date.